NIC Meeting for May 2022 Email 1

May 2022 Meeting Announcement...

National Inventor Club Monthly Meeting

Join us and reserve your FREE spot for our LIVE Meeting

 With our Barcodes, Global Unique Numbering and Identification Systems Expert!

  Wednesday, May 18th 2022 

Starts at 8pm EST/7pm CST/5pm PST


National Inventor Club was founded for like-minded inventors & resources like you, to connect, collaborate & network!IF YOU ARE ALREADY A NIC MEMBER YOU'RE INVITED to Our Free Meeting. Secure your spot, as it will fill up quickly!Haven't joined the National Inventor Club yet? Click the button below. FREE membership is available. 

 NIC May Meeting  Presents: 

Time to Check Out!

Our guest Michelle Covey, VP of commercialization from GS1 US, the official organization responsible for nearly 300,000 businesses in 25 industries that use barcodes, global unique numbering and identification systems.

Wednesday, May 18th 2022 @ 8PM EST

Learn what barcodes are used for, when you’ll need to get your own and how to obtain one for your invention now or in the future… when your idea turns into a product for sale!

Once you have reserved your spot, you will receive an email prior to the meeting containing links.

About National Inventor Club

Built for Inventor by Inventors

As an inventor, when we come up with an idea, it can be challenging and lonely navigating through the steps of bringing your ideas to reality. That’s why the National Inventor Club was “invented”, for you to become part of a community of like minded inventors and resources for inventors to help each other keep our invention journey moving forward, together.As inventors, we create opportunities! In 2020 our club faced the challenge of remaining together, meeting in person and testing our meetings online virtually. I realized that I could invite anyone in the world to join our meetings and then converted our Long Island Inventors and Entrepreneurs Club into where you and I are today…The National Inventor Club

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or to participate.