January 2022 Newsletter (copy 03)

Inventor Smart Newsletter February Edition

February 2022

Whether you are an experienced inventor or a newbie who just came up with your first big idea, the Inventor Smart Monthly newsletter is for you! You will find valuable tips, useful resources and words of wisdom that can help you move your invention forward!

Spotlight on LearningHow to break down the barriers on imagination

Because the brain perceives information based on past experiences, a great way to train your brain to make new connections is by doing new things – by going to new places and meeting new people.

When your brain tries to fit these new experiences into the old familiar categories, it will find it easier to simply make new categories.

To change the way you think, it is helpful to look at things in a different way. Shift your perspective. Allow yourself to imagine different scenarios in everyday life – the child cleaning up after the parent – the dog walking the owner – the bird chasing the cat – the boss asking permission from the janitor.

Look at things differently. Put sunglasses on at night. Use a magnifying glass to look at an insect. Tilt your head sideways. Use two mirrors to see yourself as others see you.

Source: Inventing Secrets Revealed Book

Bright Idea: Inventor Tip from Brian Fried

Easy Invention Ideas - How to Have Them Want easy invention ideas? Dreaming up new products and inventions is fun, and it can be easy too.Try the following two techniques and soon you’ll have a list of new ideas.

Starts With What’s ThereOne of the easiest ways to create new ideas is to look at what already exists and find a way to make it better. You can start with things in your own home. These may even be the most marketable ideas - consider how many new kitchen gadgets are sold every year.

Want an easy way to create new invention ideas fast?• Make a list of everything in your house.• Work your way down the list, thinking of some way to improve or re-invent each item.• If nothing comes to mind, move on to the next item.

Start With What IrritatesDo you hate the way the ice builds up on the edge of your roof? Do you get annoyed with the way the dog slops his water and food all over the kitchen floor? Annoyances and irritating things are not just problems; they’re excellent opportunities for easy invention ideas.

Looking at what is around you and imagining small or large improvements is easy. It isn’t difficult to train yourself to look at problems as opportunities and there are dozens of other techniques that will give you easy invention ideas. For now, start with these two simple ones and you can have a hundred new ideas today.


What is the Definition of Patent?


A patent is an intellectual property right granted by the Government of the United States of America to an inventor “to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States” for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure of the invention when the patent is granted. For more information on types of patents and the patent process, CLICK HERE

Our January NIC guest speaker was John Tesh, heard on practically every major radio station in the country providing great life tips and inspiration with his themed segments called “Intelligence for Your Life." Everyone who attended loved his message to inventors and entrepreneurs and he also shared his book favorites!Watch the past meeting and we look forward to seeing you at Feburary 24th's virtual NIC meeting with Thomasnet.com to learn how to source manufacturers and suppliers in the USA. RSVP ASAP @ www.nationalinventorclub.com

About John Tesh:Tesh and his wife created a self-syndicated radio show, The John Tesh Radio Show-Intelligence For Your Life in 1999 as a lifestyle program that offers advice and expert opinions on topics such as health, finance, relationships, careers, and family. Originally heard only on weekends, the show has grown to become an internationally syndicated radio powerhouse that is heard daily on over 300 radio stations across the USA, the UK, and around the world on American Forces Radio Network. 

To keep in touch with great inspirational ideas from John Tesh you can visit his website tesh.com and you can sign up to receive the weekly top stories. 

In case you missed the January 2022 NIC meeting or you’d like to hear it again, visit this link: 

The Got Invention Show 

The Got Invention Show features 30-minute interviews where an inventor promotes an invention, seeks a licensing deal, or looks for distribution opportunities. Host Brian Fried focuses on his guest’s challenges and solutions. He asks about their journey, where they are right now, and what will come next. He invites guests to offer words of wisdom to viewers and listeners.

The latest episode of the Got Invention Show is with the inventor Cody Millenaux of Aquaphant. Cody is an Entrepreneur, Author, investor, and inventor from Los Angeles, CA. He published his autobiography “Numbskull” in 2010 detailing his eccentric upbringing after being orphaned at birth and adopted by his biological grandparents in South Los Angeles. Cody’s past represents an incredible success story where he has learned to apply his street smarts and cunning ability to read people into big business. Cody founded his first company in 2014. A logistics company called Rincon Transport which was acquired by Platinum Cargo in 2018. With a massively successful exit from Rincon Cody was able to pursue a multitude of entrepreneurial endeavors. Cody has been working nonstop on his passion projects creating and developing new and innovative ideas and bringing them to life. After being awarded multiple utility patents of his state-of-the-art water dispensing system founded Aquaphant Inc. www.aquaphant.com

To schedule your interview on the Got Invention Show, please visit www.gotinventionshow.com

From the Inventor Community

February is the month of inventors. This month is National Women Inventors Month,  and we would like to express our gratitude to all female inventors. Female inventors are responsible for a majority of useful things we enjoy today. They have played a pivotal role in the fields of science, technology, and the arts. So if you’ve ever enjoyed your car heater on a cold day, or a fold-out bed during a fun sleepover, or even a dishwasher, then you owe it all to female inventors. Female inventors have broken all barriers to gender equality. They are an inspiration to the young girls of today.

Another event to celebrate during the month of February is the National Inventor’s Day. We should all be celebrating every 11th day of February, without our inventors, where might we be? Humanity’s inventiveness is what sets us apart from every other species on this planet, and it’s through our inventions that we can see our own progress as a species. We’ve come a long way since the invention of the wheel, and that’s worth celebrating. Here’s to National Inventors’ Day.

Chief Invention Officer of Inventor Smart, Brian Fried, has upcoming trade show meetings with major licensees that have distribution in retailers like WalmartTargetBed Bath & BeyondQVC, William Sonoma, department stores, and on infomercials, etc. to show new invention product ideas and to earn royalties.** If you have an invention that's for the housewares industry, a kitchen gadget, storage solution or you think could be good for TV, please reply to the newsletter and we will forward to Brian or email him at [email protected]

News from the US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) 

Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)  just announced a new Patent Public Search tool that provides more convenient, remote, and robust full-text searching of all U.S. patents and published patent applications.In conjunction with the launch of Patent Public Search tool, the USPTO unveiled a new Patent Public Search webpage that includes FAQs, training resources, and other information to help users transition to the new tool. Upcoming public training sessions will be posted on the webpage as soon as they are scheduled. LINK to search and training

About Brian Fried 

Brian Fried, serial inventor, is an award-winning authority in the invention industry, a sought-after celebrity guest speaker and an advocate for the invention community. As Chief Invention Officer of Inventor Smart and Expert Inventor Coach, Brian represents inventors at every stage of the invention process, project managing new up-and-coming inventions from idea to manufacturing or as an invention licensing agent to secure deals with major brands and earn royalties for inventors. 

Brian is the founder of the National Inventor Club where guest speakers focus on topics of interest to the inventor community.

He is a 2x author and his 3rd book is expected to be published in March 2022. He also hosts Got Invention Show and Radio where you can watch on RokuTV, Amazon Fire, YouTube TV, and you can hear his podcasts on Spotify, iHeartRadio, Amazon Music Google and Apple Podcasts. Brian recently launched a new merch line with various designs for inventors, InventorMart.com

You can visit Brian’s personal website at BrianFried.com

Inventor MasterClass is now available! If you want to evaluate your invention, find out if licensing or manufacturing is the right decision for you, sign up for an eLearning course at InventorClass.com. National Inventor Club Members receive a discount. For inventor resources, more information and additional tips visit Inventor Smart


or to participate.